Animation button
It's good practice to make a diagram about a set of code. From beginning to end. The ins and outs. It creates a visual aspect into coding. // animation code <style> #custom-button{ display:inline-block; color:white; background-color:#29425c; padding:10px; font-size:30px; border: 2px solid #29425c; border-radius:5px; margin:top:10px; cursor:pointer; box-shadow:2px 2px 5px black; transition: box-shadow ease-in-out 0.4s } #custom-button:hover{ box-shadow:0px 0px 0px black; } </style> // HTML <section> <div class="colors"> <h8> Animation <br><br><br> <a id="custom-button"> <h9>Hello World</h9> </a> <h1 class="GG"> I created a simple 2D animation using <br> JavaScript and Cascating Style Sheet. <br> Hover over the button! </h1> </h8></div> ...